Ad Hoc Group Manufacturing Face Shields for Medical, Other Workers
An informal, or ad hoc, group of Southwest Riverside citizens has banded together to provide a growing number of face shields for health care workers and others. The demand is growing as more businesses open and schools plan for the coming year.
Some members of the group are teachers, instructors in high school engineering classes, students – former and present – while others are interested, caring individuals who want to be involved in helping those who need help with medically approved gear during the current COVID pandemic.
And more helpers are needed. Those who have and can operate 3D printers are needed and so are funds to purchase the needed supplies. To help, go to
“To date, some 800 face shields have been delivered with most going to Universal Health Services (operators of Rancho Springs Medical Center and Inland Valley Medical Center,)” says Valerie Backus, Murrieta Unified School District’s career tech coordinator (CTE). Backus launched Project Face Shield in early April, inspired by associates in the Coachella Valley. Others receiving the shields include the City of Wildomar, Hospice of the Valley, Renaissance Village, Dr. Larry Hoyt, iCARE, Paradise Hyperbarics. The Murrieta Wildomar Chamber of Commerce is making face shields part of the back to business kit being distributed in Murrieta and Wildomar.
The Rotary Club of Murrieta joined the growing effort and has provided funds to purchase supplies for the production of the face shields, along with transporting the supplies to those who need them. Others involved in the effort include the City of Murrieta and the Murrieta Innovation Center, Murrieta Valley Unified School Districts-Career Tech, Murrieta Library, Murrieta Valley High School’s engineering and robotics, Jon’s Movers, Temecula-Murrieta Software Developers Meetup and Civilized Frontier in the effort.
Rotary President Jacqui Dobens said Rotary’s Face Shield funds come from the club’s annual Murrieta Field of Honor/Patriots Event and from a special pandemic grant from The Rotary Foundation.
The shields are manufactured by individuals in their homes located in Murrieta, Temecula, Wildomar and Lake Elsinore. Several current and former CTE students who have 3D printers at home are contributing,” Backus said.
”We continue to have requests for more face shields,” Dobens said, having received a request from the Riverside County Medical Association for 2,000 shields that will go to doctors’ offices throughout the county. The Murrieta Valley Unified School District also has inquired about supplies of face shields.
“We are in need of the raw materials and are seeking donations to keep the manufacturing process continuing. Needed are the 3D printer filament to make the reusable visors (Color is good, preferred by hospital workers), transparencies, buttonhole elastic band and transportation assistance. And, we need more people to help in the production,” Dobens said.
For further updates, contact Jacqui Dobens:; call or text, 951-667-5227.
The many facets of Project Face Shield, an ad hoc group of Southwest Riverside County individuals with a desire to help out in the COVID 19 pandemic. More than 800 shields and related parts have been delivered and more than 2,000 are needed. Shown delivering in the upper right is Patsy Orr, Murrieta Rotary; lower center is Kathy Gharda, receptionist in Dr. Larry Hoyt’s office, and lower right, Carlos Dhayer, operations manager, Paradisee Hyperbarics. Photos and montage by Jacqui Dobens, Murrieta Rotary.