Bob Bodemer, director
The glue that holds us together
Club administration focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of the club.
The Club Adminsitration director is responsible for all club service activities. Club service is divided into three basic categories. These are fellowship, programs, weekly meetings. A goal of Club Service is to maintain and increase club membership through fun, interesting and educational meetings and activities.
Although Rotarians take themselves seriously when it comes to service to their community and the world, they also enjoy each other’s company. The Murrieta club gets together several times each year for fun activities that also include families. Activities include several traditional events — the Lawe Fish Fry, the holiday party and the President’s Demotion Party — as well as a variety of others.
At every regular club meeting, we offer a stimulating guest speaker to inform us on any subject from soup to nuts. Who knew a Rotary meeting could be educational?
Weekly Meetings
Meetings require planning and organization. Someone has to have everything ready. We already talked about soup to nuts, this is the nuts and bolts.
A part of club meetings, but not supervised by the Admin director, are the rascally sergeants, who are present for fun.
Sergeant at Arms, Dick Lawe and Laurel Miller
The Sergeant at Arms’ are our fine master. They are responsible for collecting the money that members volunteer to pay in the way of fines to brag about kids, husbands, wives, birthdays and anything else. A club member will also pay up for not wearing their Rotary pin and badge or being late. This money goes to help fund Club activities and expenses.