Hero Nominations

Murrieta Rotary Seeks Hero Nominations from Community

The Rotary Club of Murrieta is inviting nominations of “heroes” who will be honored during
the 2019 Murrieta Field of Honor, Nov. 9 – 16.

What is a Hero? A hero is a person (or group) who in the face of danger or adversity or from a
position of weakness displays courage or self-sacrifice for the greater good. This is the
general benchmark that the Rotary Club of Murrieta has used in selecting heroes who are
nominated by the community.

To nominate a hero, please send a picture of the Hero, a short biography, a few short
sentences on why they should be selected plus contact information (address, email and
telephone numbers of the hero and of yourself) to MurrietaRotary@gmail.com. Nominations
will close Sept. 15, 2019.

Nominate your hero today!

Heroes being nominated must be 18 years or older and a resident of Riverside County,

Heroes will be honored at a special salute to veterans’ luncheon on during the Field of Honor
week and during the Patriots Ball which concludes the Field of Honor on Nov. 16.
Hero selections will be made by a committee of Murrieta Rotary members; all nomination
information will become property of the Rotary Club of Murrieta and may be used in
promotion of the Field of Honor.

Previous Heroes have been:

2018: Marine Gunnery Sgt Arthur “Arty” Allen III (ret.); U.S. Air Force Colonel Richard H (Rick)
Gibbs (ret.); WWII Navy Seaman Alvin David Porges, and The WAVES Project;

2017: All from the Heart; Marine Corporal Juan Dominguez; Vietnam Veteran Don “Donnie”
Simpson; Marine Infantryman Howard J Tait;

2016: WW II Vetrans Saul “Berny” Ashen,B-24 bomber pilot; Richard Harthun, B-24 bomber
pilot and US Army Sgt. Ed Hustead plus US Marine Sgt Major David F Barragan, and US Air
Force Reserve Col. Linda A Cleary;

2015: Army SSG Wallace Fanene, wounded warrior from Iraq; Ginger Greaves, executive
director, Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Education Foundation; US Navy veteran and longtime
journalist John Hunneman, and War Fighter Made, an organization serving ill, injured and
combat wounded service members and veterans.

For further information on the Heroes program, contact Linda Dozier at